Saturday, November 26, 2011

Making progress......

From last time I had removed the forward bulkhead and then the king post and found foredeck
rot in the core so now it was now time to remove the sprit assemble. First reason is that it had to be done to get to the deck area to repair it. But even more important is the fact that rot in the sprit wood could be very bad - like a potential for de-masting. So here is what it looked like before I started.

There was lots of stuff in the way. Netting was old so it was cut away. Then securing the staysail stay and the lifelines. The final step was to loosen the three large deck bolts before remove the furling/forestay attachment. This allowed me to evenly lift the sprit up off the deck. Once the bolts were clear then the forestay was tied off to the side stays and a halyard was used to lower the sprit with platform and pulpit still intact. Then into the back of my truck and to my yard for the stripping down.

So now I have the sprit assembly at my house and time to start removing everything. Note litte Scarlet Skiff somehow snuck into the back of this photo. It was pretty easy to remove the pulpit, two anchor rollers, and teak platform. Next came the moment of truth. To sand through 10 layers of paint to find out what the wood actually looked like.

Well -- most of it was good -- actually very good. The area where the mounting bolts are was great. And the end of the sprit where it goes into the eyeband - was also good.

But not perfect. It was very fortunate that I did the strip down the sprit because one of the holes for the threaded rod that holds on the teak platform had the start of some rot. If left unchecked this would have continued until the strength of the spar would have been compromised. So I will be using penetrating epoxy on the whole piece with special attention to this area above. There is a little wood missing but compared to the cross section - I don't think it will be any problem. The threaded rod going through this hole has minimal forces on it.

So looks like I can move these pieces indoors and tomorrow I might try to attack the foredeck .. weather permitting.

Sailor Jim

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It has been a long time........

Hello Everyone,

No I did not abandon this project. I had thoughts of it but I made up  my mind and I am not turning back.

Back last summer I had the yard peel her bottom. They did a pretty nice job and I was thrilled to see almost no damage into the actual fiberglass of the boat. There are a few spots to repair but it will be very minor. I will need to sand down the ridges left by the peeler and sand around the hard areas like the thru hulls.

I am planning to replace all of them so once I have them out the final sanding will be easy. The barrier coat is planned for late next Spring.

Just recently I found rotten wood on the bulkhead. I thought at first that I could just cut a bit of it away but this was not the case. The entire wall in front of the V-berth needed to be removed. Not a fun job but  with the right dremel tool, the fiberglass holding it to the hull was cut. This was almost a necessity of another repair job - the replacement of the bobstay fitting. This fitting is buried under a layer of fiberglass in the very peak of the bow. Now with everything open, I should be able to get to the fitting relatively easy.

The two post that set on either side of the sprit were removed to check for rot. Fortunately they were fine but the deck plywood in front of them was soft. At this point I'm not sure how extensive the deck damage is but I am planning to repmove the sprit  next. Once it is out of the way I can see what needs to be done. I am also planning on adding a windlass so now is the time to determine what may need to be modified to mount and carry the load of it. The fun never stops right?

Ok - this is the major stuff. I have been removing head and water tanks along with a few more odds and ends. Whenever I run into something I think I might leave alone, I think about it and then decide to take it out just is case.

So - I'm still plugging away and soon I'll need to attack sanding of the hull.

Till next time

Sailor Jim